With the deepest Aloha Farewell to our Dear Brother and Friend

Michael Wabbit Alexander
1949 - 2002

Peace Dearest Brother
We already miss you terribly
We will listen for you carefully
And look for you
in the next drops of rain
If ya wanna go to Heaven,
gotta dee-eye-ee,
Just put on yer coat
and yer tee-eye-ee.
If ya wanna get a rabbit
from an el-oh-gee
ya gotta make a cold motion
like a dee-oh-gee
like a dee-oh-gee
---  A Brother, a Friend, a Bassist, a Blues Man, a Musician .... a Heavenly Messenger  ---
----  Second to none  ----
Send message for Vel, the Ohana and planet here.
APRIL 2002
Life is school and try-out for the Big Band.  Wabbit is surely holding First Chair.
Food for thought:

Our Ohana doesn't wait until our Loved Ones are gone to have their wake.  Look at the joy on Wabbit's face, nose oxygen tube and all, ...as he looks out upon the MANY friends coming to jam and wish him well upon his eternal journey that came less than a month later.  Wabbit showed his existance in Eternity in amazing and wonderful ways for a week after he departed.  We did the same for Nick Masters' journey.  We LOVE you Braddahs, ...and miss you dearly.